  • 中华人民共和国国家卫生健康委员会 主管
  • 中国医学科学院 主办
  • 刊名:癌症进展
  • Oncology Progress Journal
  • 主管:国家卫生健康委员会
  • 主办:中国医学科学院
  • 社长:张凌
  • 主编:赵平
  • 编辑部主任:穆红
  • 编辑部副主任:陈闻
  • 编辑出版:中国协和医科大学出版社
  • 市场运营:惠生文化传媒(北京)有限公司
    李长松 沈杰
  • 印刷:北京联合互通彩色印刷有限公司
  • 国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-4971/R
  • 国际标准连续出版物号ISSN 1672-1535

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2017 年第 1 期 第 15 卷





  • 摘要:
  • 【摘要】【摘要】目的:探究替吉奥治疗晚期胃癌的临床疗效及安全性。方法:自2011年5月-2015年5月我院收治的经病理证实的晚期胃癌患者共计58例作为研究对象。随机分组法分为观察组(29)例,对照组(29)例。对对照组实施FOLFOX4进行治疗,观察组实施替吉奥联合奥沙利铂进行治疗,观察两组的临床疗效与不良反应发生情况。结果:观察组治疗疗效为显效6.90%、总有效率占比51.72%与对照组3.45%、41.38%相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组发生血红蛋白减少6.90%、脱发10.34%、肝功能异常0.00%及腹泻20.69%等不良反应显著低于对照组31.03%、37.93%、17.24%及48.28%,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。与治疗前相比,两组总体健康、生理功能、情感职能与精神健康评分显著提高,但观察组提高程度显著高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。观察组无病生存期(5.61±0.25)个月与1年死亡率占比6.90%显著低于对照组(7.54±0.83)个月、44.83%,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:替吉奥药物治疗晚期胃癌患者可显著降低患者不良反应发生率,提高生活治疗,疗效显著。安全性高,值得推荐。
  • 【 Abstract 】 Objective: To explore for gonow clinical effectiveness and safety of drug maintenance treatment of advanced gastric cancer. Methods: From May 2011 to May 2015, our hospital of a total of 58 patients with advanced gastric cancer, which was confirmed by pathology as the research object. Random grouping method is divided into observation group (n = 29) and control group (n = 29). To control the implementation of FOLFOX4 treatment, observation group joint implementation for gonow oxaliplatin into treatment, observation of two groups of clinical curative effect and adverse reactions occur. Results: The observation group curative effect for 6.90%, total effective rate had marked effect of 51.72% compared with the control group were 3.45%, 41.38%, there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). Observation group hemoglobin decreased by 6.90% 10.34%, hair loss, abnormal liver function by 0.00% and 20.69% diarrhea and other adverse reactions was significantly lower than the control group were 31.03%, 37.93%, 17.24% and 48.28%, are statistically significant differences (all P < 0.05). Compared with before treatment, two groups of general health, physical function, emotional function and mental health score increased significantly, but the observation group had a significantly higher rate of control group, the difference had statistical significance (P < 0.05). The obseration Group of disease-free survival period (5.61 ± 0.25) months and 1 year mortality rate accounted for 6.90%, significantly lower than the control group (7.54±0.83) months, 44.83%, are statistically significant differences (all P < 0.05). Conclusion: Gonow drug maintenance therapy for patients with advanced gastric cancer patients can significantly reduce the incidence of adverse reactions, and improve the life treatment, the curative effect is remarkable. High security, is worth to recommend.